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Writer's pictureStevenMiyao

From Frustration to Inspiration: How to Stop Losing Talent and Start Building a Motivated Team

"Management is about persuading people to do things they don't want to do, leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could." - Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple

One of the most frustrating parts about being a manager is seeing my employees disengage from their work. It is even more disheartening to lose my best people to the competition. When this happens, I have to do a gut check and evaluate whether I inadvertently adopt behaviors that dampen morale. The three biggest morale killers I’ve been guilty of include offering vague guidance, not empowering my employees to make decisions, and neglecting to acknowledge their hard work. Cultivating an environment that champions engagement and motivation has never been more vital. It transcends mere productivity boosts; it's about cultivating a space where individuals feel appreciated, listened to, and motivated to contribute towards a shared purpose. By embracing these approaches, leaders can foster a sense of belonging and collective ambition and unleash the untapped capabilities of their teams. Transform to become a leader, rather than purely a manager with the following three steps:


Set a Purpose That Dreams Big

I'll start with the obvious: only some understand the organization's purpose. It's about dreaming big and striving to improve the world. We need to ensure that it has a meaningful and genuine purpose rather than one that's insincere or lacks substance. We and our employees want to be part of something meaningful, something that goes beyond just generating profits for the shareholders.  For example, Facebook’s (Meta) mission is "to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together." Despite these honorable goals, the company has been criticized for issues related to data privacy, the negative impact on the mental health and well-being of children and teenagers, the spread of misinformation and fake news, and the platform's role in political polarization. They don’t follow through with their mission, and their business model maximizes user engagement and data monetization, undermining their stated mission.

  • Dream with Purpose: Share a vision of the positive change your company wants. It's not just about what you're doing but why you're doing it.

  • Make the Purpose Personal: Your purpose should emphasize how every task and project helps you achieve that big dream. It's about showing your team that their work matters and that they're part of something bigger.

  • Back it Up: Ensure you include the method to achieve your objectives in your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This is important to ensure employees see how their work contributes to the company's purpose.

" It's important to foster an environment where employees feel comfortable to speak up, share their ideas, and know that they will be heard." - Mary Barra, CEO of GM

Empower Your Team to Lead and Innovate

Empowerment is crucial for me. It's all about trusting my team to make decisions and take the reins on their projects. This trust fosters a culture where creativity flourishes, and everyone feels personally responsible for the business's success. In the past, I found myself frequently upset with my employees for not meeting my expectations. It was a cycle of frustration where their performance fell short of what I envisioned, leading to disappointment and tension within the team. I realized the issue was not with them but with how I communicated my expectations and supported them.

  • Manage to output, not input: Set clear objectives and empower your team to creatively determine their path to success, focusing on results rather than dictating every step of the process.

  • Encourage Ownership: Let your team own their work. They're more committed and enthusiastic about making things happen when they feel in charge.

  • Celebrate Creativity: Foster an environment that welcomes new ideas. Lead by asking insightful questions instead of dismissing your team’s ideas. Make everyone feel valued and heard to spark innovation.

 "Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others" - John C. Maxwell

Keep Spirits High with Empathy and Openness

Motivation is a result of feeling valued, understood, and connected. It involves creating a supportive environment where your team feels inspired to give their best. When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I used to lead harshly. I would criticize my team severely for their mistakes, use negative language, and shame them publicly to try and motivate them to work harder. Instead of working together to find solutions to problems, I would isolate myself from them, not involving them in overcoming challenges or celebrating our successes.

  • Be a Beacon of Positivity: Celebrate the small wins, offer constructive feedback, and always be there to encourage. Recognize your team's hard work and dedication—it goes a long way.

  • Embrace Transparency: Share the ups and downs with your team. Being open about challenges and successes builds trust and fosters a sense of shared purpose.

  • Champion Open Dialogue: Encourage your team to speak up, share their ideas, and voice their concerns. A culture of openness leads to better solutions and a stronger sense of belonging.

 "Treat people well enough so that they can leave, treat people well enough so that they don't want to." - Richard Branson, British Business Magnet

As a leader, it's not about pushing your team harder to get the most out of them. Instead, it's about inspiring, empowering, and treating them with kindness and respect. It would be best to make them feel their work is valuable and contributes to the greater good. If you adopt a nurturing approach, you can motivate your team and create a loyal customer base. Treat your team with respect and value them as human beings instead of using them to serve your needs and discarding them when you no longer need them. As leaders, we serve our people, advocate for their personal and professional development, and provide a work culture that motivates them to stay and grow.

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