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Writer's pictureStevenMiyao

Mid-Career Confessions: Embracing Uncertainty and Finding Purpose

Brett Wright has been a client and friend for several decades, bonded by our shared love for reading, self-improvement, and skiing. As we reached the midpoint of our careers, our connection deepened through frequent conversations where we reflected on the lessons learned over our 30-plus-year journeys. From these discussions, we distilled a few key insights that we hope will offer guidance and inspiration to others. These insights focus on pursuing career direction, seeking life purpose, managing uncertainty, and mastering the art of staying grounded.


The Art of Embracing Uncertainty

After leaving my high-paying corporate job to pursue new careers in different industries, I experienced a lot of self-doubt and anxiety due to the uncertainty it brought. I questioned whether I could find a job in a new industry without the necessary knowledge. I worried about the financial aspect and what others would think about my choices. I often questioned my decision and wondered if I should return to what I know best. However, diving into the uncertainty has led me to:


  • Accelerate my learning

  • Pursue what I've always wanted regarding impacting our society

  • Re-energize myself.


I am grateful for the experience of working on some of healthcare's biggest problems, contributing to responsible AI, and coaching real people to help them achieve their dreams.


We both realize that embracing uncertainty means acknowledging that life is happening now, and we can't postpone living the life we want. Embracing uncertainty helps us face our fears, build confidence, and ultimately find fulfillment through the journey rather than obsessing over the destination. The joy of achieving "success" quickly diminishes, urging us to pursue the next milestone. Still, true fulfillment comes from embracing the present, navigating life's challenges with resilience, and learning from our experiences.

Crafting a Career with Purpose

The prevailing wisdom in career advice often emphasizes specialization and a narrow focus as the keys to success. However, I have various interests and like to foster connections across disciplines. This broader approach encourages innovation, empathy, and a deeper understanding of our complex world. Pursuing work driven by passion and a desire to make a meaningful impact on others, beyond simply accumulating wealth, resonates with those not seeking a job but a calling. This calling is at the intersection of our skills, passions, and the world's needs, a concept beautifully encapsulated in the Japanese idea of "ikigai."


Redefining Life Purpose

The relentless pursuit of achievements and material success often clouds the search for life's purpose. Despite our financially successful careers and accolades, Brett and I felt an unshakable sense of emptiness. True purpose transcends these superficial markers, centering instead on connection, impact, and a harmonious balance between self and others.


Consider the case of a teacher who finds deep fulfillment not in salary or status but in her transformative impact on her students' lives. This purpose isn't found amidst the world's noise but through introspective work and contemplation, enabling us to listen to our inner voice. Our practices of journaling and meditation, where the clamor of daily life falls away, reveal more profound insights about one's true calling.


We uncover a fulfilling and far-reaching purpose by orienting our actions toward positively influencing others, as exemplified by individuals dedicating themselves to service or mentorship. Through these meaningful connections and contributions, we find a purpose that sustains and enriches our lives far beyond the transient satisfaction of material success.


Staying Grounded Amidst Life's Storms

The habits that help to keep us grounded – such as:


  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Gratitude


These habits are not just tasks to be checked off a list. They are foundational that shape our being. They form the bedrock upon which resilience is built, enabling us to manage negativity, identify and reframe unhelpful thoughts, and cultivate a mindset oriented towards growth and positivity. By creating an identity around these practices, rather than relying on the fickle nature of willpower, we ensure that they become woven into the fabric of our daily lives, anchoring us as we navigate the uncertain waters of existence.


Life's journey is inherently uncertain and involves a quest for purpose, actions, and attitudes. By embracing uncertainty and focusing on the journey, seeking work that fulfills and has an impact, and grounding ourselves in consistent practices, we can create a life that is not just lived but deeply experienced. In its unfolding, this life becomes our unique experience of our own making.

Thank you, Brett, for your friendship and insights and for reminding me of what is essential in life.

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